REAKCIJE bošnjačkih političara na PRIOPĆENJE Veleposlanstva Izraela za BiH (sa sjedištem u Tirani) o potrebi izmjena Izbornog zakona

Denis Zvizdić,The Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PABiH) zamjenik predsjedavajućeg Zastupničkog doma Parlamentarne Skupštine BiH; Njega brine kako je Veleposlanstvo Izraela moglo donijeti ovakvo priopćenje bez prethodnih konzultacija sa Židovskom zajednicom u BiH, odnosno s Jakobom Fincijem. ”It is particularly worrying that the Embassy of Israel could give such a position on the electoral law without first talking to the Jewish community in BiH or with Jakob Finci, who would explain to them the essence of the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights, from which it can be precisely read that changes to the BiH electoral law can only go in the direction of eliminating existing discrimination and accepting democratic principles and good practices". Možda izraelske službe bolje znaju tko je i čiji je Jakob Finci od samog Zvizdića!? Zvizdić proziva "probosanski orjentirane članove PBiH i probosansku diplomaciju" zbog nečinjenja, nedostatnog informiranja MZ:What are the scopes and what are the results of the work of those responsible for conducting the foreign policy of BiH, the pro-Bosnian oriented members of the Presidency of BiH and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of BiH,” Zvizdic asks. Zvizdić nije odolio na kraju svog priopćenja još jednom zaprijetiti OHR-u novim prosvjedima u Srajevu: Zvidic also believes that it is better to act as a statesman and to act preventively than to wait for the announcement of some new decision by the high representative in BiH, which would lead to the organization of new protests Bisera Turković, The Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina - zamjenica predsjedavajućeg Vijeća ministara BiH i minsitrica vanjskih poslova BiH je uputila DEMARŠ Ministarstvu vanjskih polslova Države Izrael: “Any support for electoral reform that would discriminate against the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina due to their ethnic or religious affiliation was unequivocally rejected by the majority of parliamentary parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina" - bilo kakva potpora izbornoj reformi koja bi diskriminirala građane BiH zbog njihove etničke ili religijske pripadnosti, je nedvosmisleno odbačena od većine parlamentarnih stranaka u BiH. Željko Komšić, drugi bošnjački član tročlanog PBiH upozorava na "kontradikcije" u priopćenju Veleposlanstva i zahtijeva pojašnjenje Veleposlanstva: He points out that the first contradiction refers to the fact that Israel supports the equality of all citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is a universal principle in all democratically governed countries. “In the same statement, it is said that ‘legitimate representation’ is supported as an expression of the consociational political model, abandoned long ago in the world because it is based on systemically organized discrimination", a kao drugu kontradikciju vidi u činjenici: that the proponents of consiciation in Bosnia and Herzegovina are those political actors whose policies are based on the denial of genocide, the glorification of war crimes and criminals, and the realization of the goals of adjudicated joint criminal enterprises, which Komšić emphasizes that he believes is not official policy of Israel.


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